What is Hardware Acceleration?

Hardware acceleration is the process of transferring the task of computing from your computer’s software to specialized hardware components. The intention behind this is to boost the speed or performance, usually both, of an application in question. Hardware acceleration is a method of performing a job that would normally require your CPU and delegates it to an hardware component that is a master of a particular trade but rocks at it which may reduce processing time and enhance performance.

For instance in video editing and rendering programs hardware acceleration is employed to transfer complex processes such as 3D rendering and complex animation from the central processor to a dedicated graphics processor. This allows the GPU to perform these tasks more quickly and efficiently than the CPU, thereby improving overall performance of the program.

This same idea is employed in web browsers with the majority of them currently using hardware acceleration by default. This allows for better page loading times as well as smoother animations and greater framerates in games. It reduces CPU usage on mobile devices, and also saves energy.

However, this may come with some disadvantages https://silminds.com/fin-funs as well. For instance, if your computer is having trouble absorbing the demands of hardware acceleration (often described as lag) it is possible that you want to consider turning it off. Open Chrome and type in chrome://flags your address bar. Move the Override Software Rendering slider to None. You might be asked to restart your browser. Daisy is the Senior Editor of EaseUS writing team and has been writing for over 10 years.

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